Keep Nonpartisan Elections Nonpartisan

By Lyle Luzum, Decorah

You may relish yet another expansion of our political identity wars into local elections, but I’m exhausted. I just want competent local and school governing that does its best to balance the differing views of community members, while making the difficult decisions necessary to carry out the public interest. Nonpartisan elections encourage this. Partisan elections encourage thinking of the party base first. 

It is not a surprise that local and school government leaders are the most trusted elected officials. A big part of that is because school, municipal, and county governing bodies are typically chosen in nonpartisan elections. That is not to say the individuals have no political leanings. Rather, they stand for office as themselves, not as their party affiliation. This gives them the freedom and responsibility, if they are wise enough to use it, to feel accountable to the whole of us, not just to the part(y) of us that made their election possible.

It doesn’t take a wizard to recognize that there is now a party slate being promoted for our local city and school election openings. This is a national effort to undermine non-partisanship. But this attempted slippage into partisan identity politics at all levels is not inevitable. It happens only with our consent – if we vote to encourage it. 

Public office is not easy and never can everyone be pleased. But it is important and rewarding. We don’t have to agree with every decision our elected officials make, but when they do it honestly, with the interests of the whole in mind, they deserve our respect and support. 

If you, too, value the freedom of thought and action that is encouraged by nonpartisan local elections, I encourage you to support independent candidates and vote to stop this slide into yet more national-party-driven conflict among neighbors.

Lyle Luzum, 
107 Ohio St


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Teknik Informatika
8 months ago

How can political parties influence election outcomes if there are no nonpartisan rules?

Regard Telkom University