Over the next few years when traveling around Lansing and rural Crawford County, Wisconsin, travelers will see exciting things happening with the construction of a new Mississippi River Bridge crossing. The Mississippi River bridge connecting Iowa Highway 9 in Lansing to Wisconsin Highway 82 stands as an icon for the region, and a new icon is in the works to replace this aging structure and improve safety and mobility.
This impressive cantilever bridge is often referred to as the Black Hawk Bridge. The structure has served the area since 1931 with a closure from 1945-57 when the crossing was damaged by ice dams. Depreciation over time and changing vehicle size and traffic patterns now call for a new, wider and safer crossing.
Working with area residents and interest groups through public meetings and other outreach efforts, the Iowa and Wisconsin Departments of Transportation are proud to get started on a new, safe, functional bridge that will serve the area for generations. Federal funding will cover approximately 80 percent of the $140 million cost of the bridge. The states of Iowa and Wisconsin will evenly split the remaining costs.
Why replacement?
Large amounts of data collected concluded the following:
• Structural condition. The current bridge rates as “low” for its structure. This limits commercial traffic and is impacting freight movement in the region.
• Geometry. The tight turn where Iowa 9 intersects in Lansing makes it difficult for truck traffic, also impacting freight movement in the region.
• Safety. The deck is narrow at only 21 feet and has no shoulders. This gives no room for motorists with mechanical trouble to pull over safely. Any crash or other incident will likely close the bridge completely.
• Ride. The old bridge has a steel grate deck that provides a very rough ride. The steel grates were difficult for our winter maintenance crews to remove snow and ice.
• Navigation. The 650-foot width of the navigation channel is problematic for barges.
New bridge expectations
Several meetings were conducted to hear residents’ concerns about what is important to them about the old bridge and what they expect from the new one.
• Design. The existing bridge is a beloved structure in the region. The new bridge was thoughtfully designed to mimic the look of the existing bridge.
• Geometry. The Iowa 9 intersection in Lansing will be upgraded to allow for safer truck travel.
• Safety. The new bridge will have wider lanes and eight-foot-wide shoulders (40 feet total), greatly increasing safety.
• Ride. The new bridge will have a smooth, concrete deck that will protect the superstructure from winter maintenance treatments.
• Navigation. The navigation channel will be increased to 750 feet, making it easier for barges to get through the area.
Bridge construction
Some environmental work is underway now to catalog and relocate mussels in the Mississippi River near the old bridge. Other preliminary work may begin yet this year.
The bulk of the construction work for the new bridge will take place alongside the old bridge beginning in 2024 and running through 2026. The old bridge will remain in use during this time.
In 2026, the roads that connect to the new bridge will be constructed and there will be a few weeks when traffic will be detoured as those connections are made.
The new bridge is expected to be fully functional in 2027 and the old bridge will be removed.
To stay connected, visit iowadot.gov/lansingbridge/Home, follow “LansingBridge” on Facebook, or e-mail the project team at DOT-Iowa9bridge@iowadot.us.
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