Alliant proposes 2024 rate increase

An article written by Decorah Sustainability Commission member Jim Martin-Schramm noted that Alliant Energy has provided notice of an anticipated September application to the Iowa Utilities Board that will initiate the process to raise rates for their electric and natural gas service rates by October 2024. 

The application submitted in August to the IUB requests permission for Alliant Energy, also known as Interstate Power and Light, to serve customers with a non-standard notice without illustrating the total estimated impact of AE’s proposed change to each customer, which would include a rate increase for both general rates and the base rate. AE’s request would be to share only general rate increase impact, with no mention of the base rate impact.  

Currently, this is against recently-passed legislation which specifies the notice must provide the total impact of the proposed rate change, as well as information about how customers can provide feedback to on the proposed rate change prior to the rates being in effect. 

Full article with links to the filed application and responses here.

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